Down the rabbit hole of leathercraft

So I went down another rabbit hole.   I have an old wallet that is falling apart, but cannot find one that fulfills my desires, wants, or  needs.  We all know where this goes….   One starter set of tools later and now I have yet another hobby making things.

I will admit that the tin foil hat protection provided by RF shielding  backed by Tyvex liner is nice.   I do not know why my bank insist on sending me a debit card with “tap to steal” contacts in it.

tin foil wallet
Layers to make it modern.

I built an NFC /RFC panel just to collect and test that.   It is easier than you think and people walk by these readers all the time without thought.   I started that paranoia when reading the door access logs at one of my day jobs and seeing CC data in there.  Is that system PCI complaint?    Now I make wallets with RF shielding built-in because I lack trust.  I see people bump their wallet and bags on the readers at offices all the time.

This initial test wallet has to be the thickest and you cannot sit on it for long.  I don’t know what I was thinking with 5-6 ounce veg tanned leather, when doubled up it is almost 6mm or about 1/4 inch thick.    It will last forever though.

A first for me was using Fiebings Antique Stain in tan to dye the raw leather.   I think I got a pretty uniform color that looks great.   I am already looking forward to my next revision that will be a touch smaller.

dye applied
Fiebing’s antique tan finish.