
Welcome to my project site where I plan to document the projects that fuel my madness.  I love to learn new things so here are the things I’m working on.

A beginning.

You have to start somewhere so this is the page.  I have no idea how I got into too many hobbies

Here is my attempt to document projects along that mad path of too many hobbies and not enough time to excel at any one thing.


I’m just a hack that uses monkey see monkey do to create projects.   I’m not truly a maker or a hacker,  but a hybrid who likes to play with different technologies.   This is a place where I plan to document that journey to build my “mad scientist” lab.   This lab is part culinary studio, art installation, and electronics playground.    I may throw in some programming too, but be warned i’m not trained formally in any area so everything here is Joe’s way.



email me at domain name if you really must, but I reserve the right to ignore it.