Spring renewal gardening.

Spring time is as always a time for renewal, and so my AeroGarden is showing its age, but I will start a new Asian Herb garden.   This thing has always amazed me as it is super easy to use and consistent  results.    I have the LED light version and it is still growing strong after several years and multiple “seasons”  in each.

It is true that the seed kits are a bit expensive, and if you have rapid rooter plugs handy they work too. If you save the cages.  This time I went the easy way and got their kit as it  had all the herbs I wanted.

I guess I should get the other hydroponic gardens in order.  I plan to rebuild the outdoor one to get better yield.   The buckets were too close last time and the plants fought each other.  Why do projects? to learn new lessons.   Redesign and rebuild… carry on.