Docker swarm on Odroid XU4Q

Sometimes the easiest way to learn new things is monkey see monkey do.   So I started with the guide Docker Swarm, and updated it for my ARM bigLITTLE cluster.

The only major update from the MC1 guide is that the busybox image was no longer in the git hub or would not run so I used a different image.  It works as expected and if one of the nodes goes down the web “httpd” service spawns on a new node and starts responding to request.     I also changed the port for “Visualizer” as I had a conflict with another project running on the cloudshell2 data node of my cluster.

root@cloudshell2:~# docker service ls
3teh7qj0jist dsv replicated 1/1 alexellis2/visualizer-arm:latest
m44k0ueudh8b httpd replicated 3/3 hypriot/rpi-busybox-httpd:latest

My next step is to work on my own web service as I prefer nginx.     I have also built the mentioned 2+2 GlusterFS and plan to use this to run my containers from.

This has been a great monkey do, and I can see why docker is gaining traction in the enterprise, so expect to see more projects based on it.