3D printing the legacy project.

One key legacy project for me is 3D printing.   I spent my hard earned kongbucks  on a Soliddoodle 3 when they first came out, over 5 years ago.  Long before, this attempt at documentation of my projects.

The SD3 got lots of complaints from the community, but mine has always worked.  Yes, I’m too lazy to alter the firmware to fix the slight discrepancy between inside dimensions and the 3D model, but when properly calibrated it is hard to measure how off it is.   My SD3  even has the original acrylic “jigsaw” extruder, which is claimed to get brittle and disintegrate.   Here is the printing of a spare graciously shared on thing a verse by its creator.  I try not to crash the print head which I assume is the cause of all those shattered acrylic print heads, but having a spare on hand will allow me to sleep at night.


I do not think any project shop is complete without a 3D printer, so I keep this one in working condition even if the company has ceased operations.   It is 100% self supported with the handful of dedicated individuals keeping documentation and forums sites online to help troubleshooting.  I would be lost without them.  If it prints there is no need to get a new fancy one even if you can get 3 monoprice units for the same amount of KongBucks. now.

If you have not considered  printing software.  I highly recommend Simplify 3D.   I got to use a friend’s copy and it was so good I spend my own hard earned kongbucks on a copy of my own.  They got my kongbucks, and I still recommend them coming from an open source free software world.  It made the difference between being able to just print what I needed without any fighting, and fighting to print things by trial and error.




Now it has begun

The background shows my Orion Motor Tech 12″x8″ 40W CO2 Laser Cutter which started this whole mess.   Researching and finding upgrades for this machine is why I started this project documentation site.     It is far from stock and I only test fired the laser in the stock configuration before updates began.

The first thing it cutout was the new front panel with new locations and items that I will document as I go.