I mentioned how much PBS I watched in my youth. Well as Bob Ross said “There are no mistakes only happy accidents” No amount of planing can correct rushing. I can make no excuse I know better. Layout test fit and ensure you have not only cabinet makers triangles as well as sharpie reminders on the end. What do I do but have a happy accident and laminate out of order. I laid out “top” up but laminate “top down” and so the order left to right got switched. Oops the wagon vise pocket is on the wrong side. Happily I noticed before final lamination, so I can hand cut a second pocket. This is happy because it forced me to ensure the wagon vise is closer to the edge. I had started to doubt using two layers of lamination from the edge. I feel 1 1/2 inches is better than 3 on distance from the edge for the wagon vise and dog holes. I also got to had cut the pocket without the circular saw kerf cheat used on the first one. More traditional and good practice.
Narex Mortise chisel to the rescue Work Bench part 2.1
A happy accident that I had ordered a new Narex Mortise Chisel from Lee Valley when I ordered the wagon vise screw. I know I have a tool hording problem, but it pays off sometimes. It was a great tool for cleaning out the pocket on the correct side of the bench for the wagon vise. It allowed me to make a pretty nice 1/2 inch mortise to aid in chopping out the pocket on the correct side. Practice in a place where it was not visible in the event I was no go with this method the underside of my bench. It came out well however. The final board held back from lamination that was to be the front could now be the front on the correct side.
Narex Mortise Chisel Ambidextrous pocket clean out dual pockets
Dual pockets allows flexibility Work Bench Part 2.2
A simple mistake made in a rush turns out to be a great learning experience and not a disaster. It allows me to in the future convert to a twin screw tail vise from a wagon vise if I learn that is not really my thing. I also learned to ensure if you layout left to right and flip. Remember to reverse the order on assembly.
Final Lamination Clamps off the final
Now on to do the initial flattening and cleanup of the glue squeeze out on the top, so the wagon vise parts can be double checked and cut and test fit. Once that is done. The legs and stretchers can be started from the pre-cut and surfaced parts.