It was over a month in the making as I got distracted by everything to avoid the heat and humidity out in the garage. I did finally get the pair done. The first was finished almost a month before I got the second done. They are a custom sized slightly short to allow for hand saws. I have been using Japanese style pull saws, so need a slightly lower platform than the Kregg Mobile Project Centers I have been using. They will be much better that stooping over cinder blocks like I have been until now.
I selected the Trestle style to get to practice my joinery. The legs are mortice and tennon jointed with pegs. I included tusk tennons on the stretchers, so that they can be broken down into flat pack a bit thinner that folded “A” frames. The top rail is also on cross halving joint so that the can be replaced when worn out, or they are sacrifical during rip cuts.
I suspect my next project will be a heavy wood worker’s bench. I have been watching this video on Will Myers’ moravian Workbench, and I plan on building myself one as it is portable. The mobile centers are nice but lack the mass to do hand wood working even with my mini bench on top.
Prepare the stock
Rip fence down to size pretty straight and 8 feet long Rough cut pieces
Doing the Joinery
Let the chopping begin All the legs done Danish Oil FTW One Down
Finishing up
Finish on second after a month Danish Oil FTW level even after delay